Reproducible Workflows using Snakemake and Singularity === ![](/img/logos/rep_research_logo.png) > **The Snakemake workflow management system is a tool to create reproducible and scalable data analyses and can be seamlessly scaled to server, cluster, grid and cloud environments, without the need to modify the workflow definition.** > **Singularity is an open source-based container platform designed for scientific and high-performance computing (HPC) environments. Singularity supports Bring Your Own Environment (BYOE)—where entire Singularity environments can be transported between computational resources (e.g., users’ PCs) with reproducibility.** + Basic [**UNIX command-line**]( experience required. [Bootcamp]( + WINDOWS users can download UNIX-terminal interface **mobaxterm** [here]( + You don't need to be an expert at Python to use Snakemake, but it can sometimes be very useful. > No license; the below content is available under CC0 general license. > Author: [Sateesh Peri]( # Introduction > [**What...Why???**]( # Snakemake Intro Tutorial using Binder > Learning Objectives - **Workflow Management** using [**Snakemake**]( + Move from separate scripts to connected analysis + Understand snakemake syntax + Understand the components of a Snakefile: rules, inputs, outputs, and actions + Understand snakemake wildcards and pattern rules + Understand how snakemake manages dependencies and outputs > **Note:** + **No setup necessary** + **Does not support 'Singularity' container execution** > **Click on this [![Binder](]( button to launch a Binder rendered via Jupyter Lab interface preinstalled with conda and Snakemake.** - [MyBinder]( is a fantastic service that lets us run demonstrations and short workshops in the cloud! - The binder is built using this 'conda' [environment.yml]( > [**Click here for Introductory Snakemake Tutorial using Binder**]( # Snakemake Tutorial on Cyverse Cloud > **Note:** + **Requires access to [CyVerse Atmosphere](** + **Supports 'Singularity' container execution** ![](/img/cloud_computing.png) > [**Click here for Snakemake Tutorial using Singularity Containers in Atmosphere**]( ## Tutorial on Jetstream cloud # Working Locally > **Click [here]( for local setup instructions.** > > Requires *Administrator* privileges for Singularity installation. # Awesome + [Awesome list of Snakemake & Singularity resources]( # Credits The content for this website has been compiled from tutorials put together by: + [Titus Brown]( - Link to [Tutorial]( + [Johannes Koster]( - Link to [Tutorial]( + [CyVerse]( - Link to [Container Camp]( > Please report new issues in [GitHub]( # Coming Soon + Singularity modules in HPCs + Building containers from scratch ![](/img/logos/minion.png) + Version Control + Markdown + Did someone say *Kubernetes* !!!